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上海封控须知一览 Lockdown in Shanghai Notices Collection



1. 在浦东和浦西的封控期间,封闭区域内是否有公共交通?

Is public transportation available in the locked-down area 

该地区所有地铁站和公交线路都暂停运营。目前浦东区域出租车只在机场 7 号线龙阳路终点站提供接送乘客到浦东的目的地。

All Metro stations and bus lines in the area have suspended operations. Taxis are available only at the Longyang Road terminal of Airport Line 7 to deliver passengers to destinations in Pudong.


2. 可否在封锁区的街道上驾驶私家车?

Can I drive my private car on streets in a locked-down area? 


Vehicles that are used to assist pandemic control, deliver daily necessities, provide urban services, handle emergencies and transport people who need medical assistance can drive on streets with approval from authorities.


3. 浦东国际机场开放吗?航班暂停了吗?如何从机场到城市的目的地?

Is the Pudong International Airport open? Are flights suspended? How can I travel from the airport to my destination in the city?


机场将正常运行。航班信息请参考航空公司。到达机场的市民可乘坐机场大巴专线到达浦西的目的地。如果你的目的地在浦东,你可以坐机场 7 号线到龙阳路,然后从那里打车。

The airport will be operating normally. Please refer to airlines for flight information. People who arrive at the airport can take airport bus lines to reach destinations in Puxi. If your destination is in Pudong, you can take Airport Line 7 to Longyang Road and take a taxi from there.



4. 如何往返浦东和虹桥机场?

How can I travel between Pudong and Hongqiao Airports?


如果您到达上海虹桥国际机场,您可以从虹桥交通枢纽的东部客运站乘坐机场 1 号线前往浦东国际机场。如果您抵达了浦东机场,您可以从 2 号航站楼乘坐相同的机场巴士前往虹桥。

乘坐公共交通的乘客需要在此前 48 小时内的阴性测试结果

If you arrive in Shanghai at Hongqiao International Airport, you can travel to Pudong International Airport by Airport Line 1 from the east bus terminal at the Hongqiao traffic hub. If you arrive at the airport in Pudong, you can travel to Hongqiao by the same airport bus from Terminal 2.

A negative test result from within the prior 48 hours is required for passengers who take buses.



5. 如何从市内的火车站到浦东机场?

How can I travel from the city's railway terminals to the airport in Pudong?


如果你在虹桥火车站到达上海,可以从虹桥交通枢纽的东部客运站乘坐机场 1 号线。如果在上海火车站到达上海,可以坐机场 5 号线。如果您到达其他火车站,请尝试在其他地方乘坐机场线。

乘坐公共交通的乘客需要在此前 48 小时内的阴性测试结果。

If you arrive in Shanghai at Hongqiao Railway Station, you can take the Airport Line 1 from the east bus terminal at the Hongqiao traffic hub. If you arrive in Shanghai at Shanghai Railway Station, you can take the Airport Line 5. If you arrive at other railway stations, try to take airport lines elsewhere.

A negative test result from within the prior 48 hours is required for passengers who take buses.

6. 有哪些到浦东国际机场的班车线路?

What shuttle bus lines to Pudong International Airport are available?

3月28日5时-4月1日5时,乘客抵达浦东机场后,如需前往浦西,可以在浦东机场乘坐机场一线、机场二线、机场四线、机场五线、机场九线、机场守航夜宵线到达浦西(中途浦东站点不停靠)。乘客如住在浦东,可在浦东机场乘坐机场七线至龙阳路,在龙阳路搭乘持有封控期间通行证的出租车至浦东目的地(出租车不能到浦西)。你可在以下网页查阅各班列车的时刻表、路线https://www.shanghaiairport.com/enpdjc/jcjt/index_228241037.html. 如有任何疑问,请拨打网页上的热线电话。

Airport Lines 1, 2, 4, 5 and 9 as well as the Late Night Bus are still operating, while the terminal station of Airport Line 7 will be Longyang Road till 5am 1st, April. The Pudong Hub Line 1 and Airport Line 8 are not available.You can check out the timetables, routes and prices of the lines at https://www.shanghaiairport.com/enpdjc/jcjt/index_228241037.html.

For further questions, you can call the hotline numbers listed on the webpage.


7. 住在被封锁的地区,如果已经订票,可以乘火车去其他城市吗?

I live in the area under lockdown, but can I travel by train to other cities since I have booked my ticket?



You're advised not to travel during the lockdown.

8. 目前住在浦西,在浦东戒严期间,我是否可以上班或自由活动?

I live in Puxi. Can I go to work or otherwise move freely when Pudong is under lockdown?



Key pandemic control areas in Puxi will remain locked down during the lockdown in Pudong, so residents in those areas will be restricted. Residents in other areas are advised to reduce outings and traveling as much as possible in the meantime.



Medical Sevice

1. 对于特殊情况,如孕妇和接受血液透析、放疗和化疗的患者,如何满足紧急医疗要求?

How will emergency medical requirements be met for special cases, such as pregnant women and those receiving hemodialysis, radiotherapy and chemotherapy?



The Shanghai Health Commission asked all medical institutions in Shanghai to suspend their general specialist outpatient services during the phased lockdown. But their key departments and services, such as emergency services, fever clinics, hemodialysis, critical care, obstetrics, pediatrics, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and treating in-hospital patients will operate normally. Meanwhile, designated medical institutions in each district should arrange dedicated lines to field medical inquiries.


2. 由于的士及巴士等公共交通服务暂停,有需要的市民可否致电 120 热线求助救护车?

Since public transport services including taxi and bus have been suspended, can people in need dial the 120 hotline for ambulances?


对于需要救治的危重病人,所在街道、镇、村的居委会拨打 120 热线安排救护车。向定点医疗机构上报患者信息,准备送医。对于其他患者,居委会将他们的信息传递给定点医疗机构,由定点机构安排专车以闭环的方式进行转运。

For critically ill patients who require medical treatment, neighborhood committees in their subdistricts, towns or villages should call the 120 hotline to arrange ambulances. They should also report patients' information to designated medical institutions to give them time to prepare.


3. 新一轮封控期间,日常药品调剂是否仍有保障?

During the new round of screening, is daily medicine dispensing still guaranteed?


In terms of daily dispensing needs for those with chronic diseases, all primary medical institutions will enhance the family doctor system.

They will meet management requirements for long-term medication prescriptions for people with chronic diseases, while community health-care centers provide relevant services.

